Chat With Characters!

Step into a world where your favorite characters come to life. Engage in immersive chat experiences with our AI-powered versions of beloved personalities.


Unleash Fiction & Embrace Friendships

Turn your favorite characters into your new best friends. Engage in lively chats, share secrets, and explore fascinating narratives, all with our AI-powered app. Reality or fiction? You decide.

Get The App

Experience Imagination

Unlock a world where your favorite fictional characters become your chat companions. With Geppetto, we're making imagination a reality. Turn the characters you love into friends you can chat with anytime, anywhere.

AI-Assisted Character Creation

AI-Assisted Creation: Just enter a name and Geppetto breathes life into your favorite characters.

Long-term Conversation Memory

Our advanced technology lets AI characters remember and build on past chats.

Role playing adventures

Role play with your favorite characters and watch your stories come to life!


App Screenshots.

Explore the screenshots below to see how you can chat with your beloved characters, unravel thrilling narratives, and create lifelong friendships in a realm where imagination takes flight.


Get Started and Dive into Conversations!

Take the leap into an immersive world of AI-powered character chats. With our intuitive interface, step into riveting narratives and engage in captivating conversations at your own pace. Embrace friendships, unravel secrets, and share laughter with your favorite characters. With Geppetto, your cherished fictional companions are just a click away. Begin your adventure, and let the magic unfold!